Hidden Ridge Flowers and Herbs Add a High Tunnel for May Wedding Flower Capacity

If you have never been to Maryland you may think it is an urban metropolis because of its proximity to Washington D.C. and New York City. However, our installation crew discovered that much of Maryland, and more specifically Montgomery County, hold some of the most pristine agricultural land we've encountered. Hidden Ridge Flowers and Herbs grows flowers and herbs as you may have guessed from the name of their farm, but the farm also houses a horse stable and acres of rolling grasses to feed their horses. 

Much of the efforts of this particular flower farm goes into providing locally grown flowers for weddings, and this is where Tunnel Vision Hoops came into the fold as the High Tunnel we were hired to build was going to provide the capacity necessary to expand more fully into growing cut flowers that could be harvested in the month of May (which is a fairly popular month for weddings). 

In addition to the tunnel we were installing, there would be starts grown in the structure. For this reason six fold up benches were also included as a part of this project. Below are a number of images of the finished High Tunnel. We are looking forward to a future post that includes beautiful flowers!