Caterpillar Tunnel Base Plate with Carabiner

( 4 Reviews )

Caterpillar Tunnel Base Plate with Carabiner

A perfectly simple method of securing Greenhouse Plastic to your Caterpillar Tunnel.  Base Plate easily slides over Rebar anchors before installing hoops, and provides a flat surface for the Caterpillar Tunnel hoops to rest on. Carabiner faces toward outside of the tunnel and secures your Batten Strap or Rope over your structure and between hoops.

  • 1/8" Steel
  • Angled and drilled corner for the carabiner
  • Ideal for 5/8" diameter Rebar

See also our Caterpillar Base Plate without Carabiner


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4 Reviews

Matt Apr 26th 2023

Base plates for cat tunnels

Very well made products and always quality on any products they have to offer

Justin Mar 21st 2023

Base plates

Heavy duty better than other competitors

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